TPBS Supply Bags for ‘No Phone Zone’ to Help Reduce Smartphone Overuse
Are you glued to your smartphone?
Do you find yourself scrolling at home, during dinner, or in the bedroom when you’re about to go to sleep?
We all know we need to put down the screens occasionally, but sometimes it can be tough to tear yourself away.
Dr Martin Lee, a consultant rheumatologist at Newcastle’s Freeman Hospital, has devised a solution to create smartphone free zones in the home and help everyone, but especially young people and adolescents, to get regular relaxation time away from their phones and improve their mental health and wellbeing.
The ‘No Phone Zone’ bag is an 8oz canvas bag, printed with 2 colours on 1 side, and we here at The Printed Bag Shop have just supplied Dr Lee with his first order of 2000 bags to get his movement off the ground. The bags are completely custom made, manufactured to the size required of 20cm x 25cm, and include a drawstring top and a zipper at the bottom right of the bag to allow you to get your phones in and out.
Placed on the door handle of somewhere like the bedroom, or dining room, the No Phone Zone bags are a great visual reminder and parenting aid to get us all to leave our phones at the door and create a screen-free area in our home.
Working closely with adolescent and young adults, Dr Lee noticed and became concerned about the impact of Smartphone Overuse Syndrome (SOS) amongst his patients, and how it was affecting them. Symptoms like sleep disorders, chronic fatigue and heightened pain levels are all possible results of SOS, and tackling the overuse of smartphones can go a long way in helping to improve these.
Dr Lee has stated that “A recent survey conducted by Digital Awareness UK of 2,750 school-aged pupils revealed that almost half of teenagers checked their mobile devices during the night – 23% of these checked their mobile device more than 10 times per night! A staggering 68% of students said that using their mobile devices at night affected their schoolwork and a quarter of students said that they feel tired during the day because of their nocturnal smartphone use.
“These statistics are quite frightening and numerous medical studies have demonstrated a direct correlation between increased smartphone use and poorer sleep patterns, which we now know to be a major cause of mental health disorders, depression and anxiety.
“There is definitely a time and a place for technology and it has improved many aspects of our day to day life, but we simply cannot allow it to interfere with our basic need for sleep.
“I’m confident that No Phone Zone will go some way to helping us tackle this ticking time bomb, encouraging us all to put down our phones at certain times of the day, and in certain rooms of the home.”
No Phone Zone has already received support from Alan Campbell MP and North Tyneside Council’s Business Factory, and us here at The Printed Bag Shop are delighted to have supplied these bags and been involved in such a worthwhile movement.
If you’d like to find out more about the custom bags we can offer for your business, get in touch with us by calling 0191 268 7555, or emailing sales@theprintedbagshop.co.uk.