We know that if you sell products that are bigger than the norm, it could be tricky to find large printed carrier bags strong enough to hold them for a good price. Fortunately, we can help.
Our large printed carrier bags also come with our reputation for delivering the best customer service in the business. We’re the UK’s premier supplier of printed bags, which means you’re in safe hands. Please get in touch with our helpdesk on 0191 268 7555 if you have any questions or queries and we’ll do our best to help!
At The Printed Bag Shop, we offer a range of sizes to suit all retail purchases, from small and standard carrier bags for everyday items, to large printed carrier bags that are ideal for large or multiple items – for example, boots in boxes, electrical goods or large clothing items like coats.
Having a supply of large printed carrier bags can be a lot more cost effective in the long run then having to give away multiple smaller bags to your customers. Taking seasonality into account is important too – it’s often a good idea to have large printed carrier bags in stock over Christmas, when customers are likely to buy more items at once.
There’s another big benefit to large printed carrier bags too – the bigger the bag, the bigger and more visible your brand and logo is too. And, because large printed carrier bags are so much more practical, and can hold so much stuff, they’re likely to be reused again and again, giving your brand even more exposure.