Does My Marketing Strategy Need A Spring Clean?
Are your existing marketing campaigns giving you results that you’re happy with? Believe it or not, whether you answer yes or no to this question, it is still necessary to examine your marketing strategy and keep assessing its performance. Neglecting marketing efforts and being scared to make any changes to something that seems to be working for you can mean that you miss out on improving your marketing strategy. Below we have listed five ways that you can spring clean your marketing campaigns:
Run A Giveaway
Giveaways are an easy way to push new customers towards your conversion funnel. They’re fun, inoffensive and require minimal effort and budget. Many marketers question whether it is possible to actually gain any valuable customers from running competitions, but according to Hubspot, one out of every three competition entrants will opt-in to receive marketing emails when entering a competition. This could provide you with valuable email leads after running your giveaway.
You can use a giveaway to help you get closer to achieving many different goals, for example:
• Increase brand awareness
• Get more followers on a particular platform
• Get traffic to your website
In order to make the most out of a giveaway, set some KPIs and make the results as measurable as possible. Ensure that the prize is relevant to your brand and always include some free branded goods with the main prize and as runner up prizes to maximise the effect your campaign has on brand awareness.
Update Your Packaging
Many customers get excited about packaging, and with the rise of social media influencers unboxing items and reviewing the entire order experience, packaging has never been so important. Look at what customers currently receive and ask yourself and your team if the packaging reflects your brand and what connotations it has. Repeat customers take notice and appreciate these small details, and this can help to encourage brand loyalty. According to BIA Kelsey, 61% of SMEs believe that over 50% of their profits are from return customers, rather than new ones (for more details click here).
Consider Package Inserts
Package inserts are another creative way to help you achieve your goals and targets. You can encourage return custom with discount codes, expand your audience with ‘refer a friend’ schemes or even encourage customers to leave you a review. Once a customer has purchased from you, they are 10 times more likely to convert again when measured against the chances of acquiring a new customer, according to research conducted by the Marketing Tech Blog.
Examine Your Social Presence
Look at the amount of time spent on each social platform and examine how appropriate each one is for your brand. Do you need to be everywhere? Marketers are becoming more and more aware that we don’t need to be on every social platform. For example, only 8% of consumers aged 65+ use Instagram. If your ideal customer is aged 65+, time spent on Instagram might be better invested in LinkedIn where 20% of 65+-year-olds are active. When investing time in social media, it is better to opt for quality over quantity.
Set Mid-Term KPIs
The key to ensuring that your marketing efforts are always evolving is to set KPIs. You need to set short term, mid-term and long term goals and assess how you will measure your success. Doing so will help to keep your marketing efforts on track. If a campaign doesn’t help you to get closer to your targets in some way, it shouldn’t be a priority.
There are many ways to spring clean your marketing campaigns that don’t require huge investments of time or money. If you’d like help with creating branded content to help towards achieving more brand awareness, get in touch with The Printed Bag Shop customer service team for some expert advice.