Building A Brand Isn’t All About Big Statements
If you’re looking to build your brand, you’re probably thinking that big is better: traditional attitudes towards growing a business through a new marketing strategy tend to stick to the idea of amplifying big new messages through big production and execution efforts. But if you’re a start-up or SME, you may not have the financial flexibility to afford such extravagant statements. The good news is that today, the formula for building a brand is evolving so that smaller demonstrations are just as powerful.
As we all become more immune to generic or irrelevant marketing and more able to reward the kind of advertising we like, there are smaller scale actions you can take to make your voice heard.
Here’s our top tips:
- Get your timing right
In an age of digital and social media that can be updated in real-time as events play out, putting your message in the right place at the right time could reap enormous rewards. Make the most of events like award shows, big television moments or even something like the World Cup, and publish relevant, engaging content reacting to a moment in time that people will like and want to share, increasing your reach and impact. Showing you are experiencing something at the same time as your customer helps to create a positive relationship between you, which is invaluable in growing your brand.
- Make your marketing useful
If you can communicate your marketing message to your customers by providing something they find useful, the chances of them engaging with your content and your brand are much higher. An obvious example of this could be creating a mobile app related to your company’s services or products, but this may be costly and isn’t appropriate for all businesses. Simple actions like sharing an article your audience will find interesting or even promoting an offer that could save them money will not only help to increase your following, but also build a sense of trust around your brand which is worth more than any big budget.
- Encourage reaction rather than reception
One thing you can do without needing a lot of money behind your marketing strategy is start a conversation with your customers. By encouraging a reaction to your marketing rather than just the reception of your message, you involve your audience themselves in the building of your brand and make them feel like a small part of your business, as well as creating a voice and personality for your brand. Take every opportunity you can, whether it’s through Twitter, Facebook or when someone walks into your store, to engage directly with customers and ask them to share what you’re doing with others, and you will soon see the rewards.
So, how do printed bags fit into this? By presenting your customer with a beautifully branded piece of packaging or bespoke printed carrier bag for them to take their purchase home in, you are enhancing their customer experience, presenting yourself and your business as professional and giving them something they can use again and again.
Branding your carrier bags may be the smallest statement of all, but perhaps one of the most effective.
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